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Ron Gladden


“We want to start a conversation about porn. Not about whether it’s right or wrong, but about what it’s honestly doing in the lives of real people living in real families with real marriages in real communities all around us.”

Mission Catalyst is proud of Life+App. They are clear about their mission, and they’re serious about accomplishing it. Ask Jonathan and Teresa what their community of faith is all about, and their answer is unmistakable. Everyone around them knows it. Whether you check out the website, attend an event, or have a private conversation, you’ll consistently hear “our mission is to restore relationships with ourselves, others, and our Creator.”

So mark your calendar for July 15, and go out of your way, if necessary, to attend.

July 15 is Life+App’s monthly event called Soul. Soul is one of four learning environments designed to inspire, challenge, and move individuals and families toward relational and spiritual wholeness. (The other three environments are Circles, U, and Faith.) Soul mixes something like a TED talk with live music, stories, images, and the arts. Its purpose is to start conversations that matter, inspiring people to take action toward personal growth – relationally, spiritually, and in service to others.

“I’ve already had quite a few attenders talk to me about their concerns surrounding how we are going to approach the topic, because it’s risky, loaded with varied perspectives, and too often avoided. But we feel strongly that it’s a conversation worth starting.”

“Every month,” Jonathan explains, “we throw an event that challenges people toward healthier relationships. Those who attend use words like edgy, fun, authentic, inspiring, and practical to describe what we do. Our July event will be no different, except that we’ll have the added tension of talking about porn.

“Because we have a passion for seeing all people, not just church people, grow relationally and spiritually” Teresa adds: “we’re not going to be doing a slam-dunk, this-is-right-and-that’s-wrong, we-can-prove-it, kind of event. Instead, we’ll be stirring up food for thought, encouraging people to think about current realities, and inviting them to taste-and-see the goodness of God’s ways regardless of whether or not they believe. Starting with a vision surrounding the Divine beauty of sexuality, we’ll hear personal stories, talk with professionals, and connect the dots between our sexuality and spirituality.

It is going to be epic!

Everything that happens at Life+App flows out of an irrepressible passion for seeing people thrive in love toward themselves, others, and God. Their leaders are sold out and willing to do whatever it takes within the context of love and truth, to lead more people to know and grow in Christ, practically applying and living out his counter-cultural way of love. There will likely be about 150 to 200 people gathered that Friday night. I hope you’ll be one of them (To learn more, check out

And we want to thank you for being part of the Mission Catalyst team. We value your prayers, we appreciate your donations, and we pray that God will ambush your heart with a passion for following His calling, whatever that means for you.

Praying for you,

Ron Gladden, Directional Leader

P.S. Let me say again, Thank you for helping Mission Catalyst financially. God will multiply your gift to change many lives.

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